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Like a Dragon's Sequel Scales New Heights

Jan 23,25(2週間前)
Like a Dragon's Sequel Scales New Heights

Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii - A Grander AdventurePrepare for a swashbuckling adventure unlike any other! The upcoming Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii promises a significantly larger and more ambitious experience than its predecessor, Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. RGG Summit 2024 revealed exciting details about this highly anticipated title.

Majima's Hawaiian Hijinks Set Sail in 2025

A Bigger, Bolder Yakuza Adventure Awaits

Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii is set to be a considerably larger game than Like a Dragon Gaiden. RGG Studio president Masayoshi Yokoyama stated the game's story and world will be approximately 1.3 to 1.5 times the size of Gaiden. This isn't a simple expansion; it's a massive leap in scale.

Yokoyama hinted at the game's expansive setting in an interview with Famitsu: "We don’t even know the exact area of the city itself," he teased. "Of course there’s Honolulu City, which appeared in [Infinite Wealth], and there are various stages, such as Madlantis, so I think the game volume is much larger than [Like a Dragon Gaiden]."

Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii - Expanding HorizonsThe game's content is equally impressive. Expect the series' signature brawling combat, alongside a wealth of quirky side activities and mini-games. Yokoyama suggested the traditional "Gaiden" label as a smaller side story is evolving, "gradually disappearing," implying this is a fully-fledged experience comparable to mainline entries.

Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii - A New SettingThe Hawaiian islands provide a stunning and unique backdrop, a departure even from Gaiden. The charismatic Goro Majima, voiced once again by Hidenari Ugaki, takes center stage in this unexpected pirate adventure. While the details of Majima's transformation remain shrouded in mystery, Ugaki's excitement is palpable.

"The game information has finally been announced, but there are many other elements and a lot of information I want to share," Ugaki commented. "I have a tendency to talk a lot, but I've been told not to say anything, so I’m not completely satisfied yet."

Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii - Unexpected CameosAdding to the intrigue, voice actress First Summer Uika (Noah Ritchie) teased a live-action scene featuring Ryuji Akiyama (Masaru Fujita). Akiyama himself offered a cryptic hint: "There was one interesting recording scene, and when I went to the toilet, there was an aquarium with a clownfish… Also, there were many beautiful women at the recording… It’s not a love reality show, but with a scene like that, there’s an excitement that makes you mistakenly think you’re popular."

These "beautiful women" might refer to the "Minato Ward girls," who will appear in both live-action and CG form. The studio held auditions earlier this year, attracting enthusiastic applicants passionate about the series. Ryosuke Horii commented, "I was glad that many of the people who appeared without knowing what kind of role they would play had a love for the series and a passion to work with us."

For more on the auditions, see our related article!

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