Is A Mobile Version Of FFXIV In Development? Break Down Of The Rumors
Rumors are swirling online about a potential mobile version of the popular MMORPG, FFXIV. A gaming industry leak, originating from the source Kurakasis, suggests Tencent Games and Square Enix are collaborating on bringing the game to mobile devices.
A Spotty Mobile History
This isn't Square Enix's first foray into mobile Final Fantasy titles. However, past attempts have yielded mixed results. While Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis received a moderate reception, it didn't universally impress fans. Furthermore, Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia was shut down in 2023. Therefore, adapting the complex FFXIV MMORPG for mobile presents a significant challenge.
Unverified Claims
It's crucial to remember this information remains unconfirmed. Square Enix hasn't officially commented on the matter. However, past collaborations between Square Enix and Tencent hint at the possibility. In 2018, the two companies discussed potential collaborations, and in 2021, then-president Yosuke Matsuda alluded to ongoing projects with Tencent. The rumor, therefore, isn't entirely unfounded.
An Uncertain Timeline
Kurakasis' leak provides no concrete timeline, leaving the project's status uncertain. It could be in its early stages, or it may not even proceed. An official announcement is likely some time away.
The Mobile Adaptation Challenge
Successfully translating FFXIV's intricate gameplay to a mobile platform without compromising its depth will be a key challenge for Square Enix. A simplified, less engaging version could disappoint dedicated fans.
Before you leave, check out the latest news on Order Daybreak, launching this July.
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